Our Story

About Us

Worry Less Radio is a division of God Taught Me Ministries, which is an outreach ministry dedicated to conducting both local and overseas missions. Our purpose is to help people know and experience God more fully.

Worry Less Radio offers a balanced mix of uplifting Christian music and Biblical teaching, along with discipleship resources designed to challenge and equip individuals to grow in their faith.

Please pray for us as we share the message of forgiveness that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ around the world!

Where we are headed...

We believe that God is calling us to share the incredible message of forgiveness that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our team travels to various cities with the intention of leaving them in better condition and, more importantly, instilling hope for eternal life!

In these cities, we enjoy repairing homes, providing free resources about Christ, distributing free groceries, hosting youth events and outreach activities, and working to strengthen the local church, all in the name of Jesus Christ!

Lord willing, we hope to visit your town someday!